20 September 2013

Publicity Shots from Hell No.36

Still in the midst of seed processing season, and still suffering personal computing difficulties. No sign of improvement in the former, but hopefully the latter will be put behind me in a scant few days from now.

(And despite having bought Ms Monoid three out of the four internet-enabled gadgets she constantly uses, I couldn't help but noticing that I have been offered the loan of exactly none of them. A fact which I won't forget in a hurry...).

Right. Back to business.

Some of you may remember my laughable attempts some time ago at maintaining daily entries under the guise of an advent calendar.

Naturally, my good intentions were not up to the harsh reality of posting passable material on a day-to-day basis, so the project meandered to a halt before its intended conclusion.

However, I believe that the concept behind it was a sound one, and maybe it is finally time to get closure on the whole sorry affair.

So, what was the life-affirming Wonderful Thing intended for the final, twenty-fifth entry? Something pretty damn impressive after a four-week build-up, you would have hoped.

Readers of a sensitive disposition may want to look away now...

Stan Lee bestrode my childhood years like a colossus (and continues to do so in my adulthood, if truth be known), so I was happy to find a photo that captured the necessary gravitas required.  

Oh well, it could have been worse. At least it isn't a copy of Giant-Size Man-Thing he's holding... 

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