11 January 2014

Publicity Shots from Hell No.46

Although never having been much of one for New Year Resolutions (my waistline is testament to that), every year I do promise myself to read more.
And I am pleased to report that I have spent the last few days in the company of "Blue Box Boy" by Matthew Waterhouse. And while it's certainly no Marson sex-fest shag-a-thon, it is actually a damn good read, with a genuinely refreshing number of revealing vignettes recounted in self-deprecating style.

(Peter Grimwade in particular comes across very erm... vividly, and the shame of his early death is compounded by the realisation that DVD extras and commentaries have been denied his unique brand of vile embittered bitchiness...). 
And despite being initially a bit wanky, the third-person narrative really does work.
Trust me.

So let's raise a glass to Matthew, whose childhood love of Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, Hammer films and J.G. Ballard novels I can more than sympathise with.

Meanwhile, here are some bottoms...


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