15 March 2014

The World According to Comics No.7

I often wonder what drives people to collect stuff, as I often get mistaken for someone who collects.

Although I can fully appreciate and adopt the mind-frame necessary for collecting things, I ultimately just can't seem to fully commit.

So, I tend to accumulate unrelated stuff seemingly at random, until I slowly run out of enthusiasm and space, or get distracted by something else that looks like a good thing to totally immerse myself in for a few months.

I guess it's tough being such a polymath, and it's an aspect of my character that I struggle with in the same way that some people struggle with addictive personality disorders.

(My latest urge is to collect Silver and Bronze Age romance comics, which I am fascinated by on many levels. And I may still do it, until I get distracted, of course).

Anyway, speaking of collecting comics, here's an advertisement from a November 1975 DC comic...

Despite the debut issue of Fantastic Four not being published until 1961, this "Captain Collector" certainly makes a compelling case for hanging on to your beloved (yet previously ephemeral) comic books.

It' s just a shame that in 1975 he couldn't forsee the comics industry collapsing in the mid-1990's as years of ill-advised panderings to fanboy speculators reached critical mass, to the surprise of absolutely nobody.

I suppose it serves us right for denying the validity of the core 18-comic base unit as imposed by Captain Collector on our collections...

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