11 April 2014

The World According to Comics No.8

Here's a frame that gets trotted out every time someone writes a blog piece about feminist claptrap and Silver Age comics. ('Claptrap' is fast becoming a favourite part of the vocabulary of my middle-age, as I think I have reached the point where I can use it with the correct amount of gravitas and disdain).
Myself, I would file it under a sub-thread entitled "Reed Richards Needs A Slap" or something like that. And if I can remember to do it by the time I reach the bottom of the page, I may just do that.
Now, I'm not sure how much Lee and Kirby deliberately made Reed Richards to be such a smug, condescending, self-absorbed prick, but that is how his Silver Age persona often appears in these unfortunately modern times.
(Fantastic Four #12, cover date March 1963).
Personally, I think it was all deliberate.
Ironically, in the previous issue, Reed and Ben Grimm went to all the trouble of breaking the fourth wall to berate readers for sending in letters that said that the Invisible Girl's contribution to the team was a bit shite...
Anyway, it all ends well. Give a woman a slice of cake and a reminder that she talks far too much for her own good, and everybody's happy...

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