20 June 2014

The World According To Comics No.9

A long time ago, I had a good friend called Rob. He was on the same course as me at University, and he was one of the people who helped nurture my interest in experimental and unusual music, for which I should belatedly thank him.
One of Rob's many eccentricities was that he would refuse to own certain records on the grounds that the situations in which he first heard them were so unique and special, that being able to listen to them any time would be to cheapen and belittle his fondly held memories.
So how does this relate to comics?
Here's how...
In a similar vein to Rob's concept, I have no intention of ever owning this album. And to take it a stage further, I have no intention of ever listening to it.


Because I already know what it sounds like.
In fact, anybody who grew up in the 1970's and has just read this advert can make a reasonably shrewd guess as to how this album will sound.
So don't mistake this for my usual default embittered position, that I never had it as child therefore I don't need it now, thank you very much and damn those kids nowadays who can find it all online at the push of a button anyway.  
No, I'm genuinely afraid that "Rock Reflections of a Super-Hero" won't live up to what I imagine it to be, so I must forever deny myself the pleasure of hearing it.
Anyway, it's currently available on CD, so don't let me put you off checking it out.

Rob and myself lost touch the instant I left university, mainly due to a short series of unrelated incidents which I'm really not going to go into just now.

However, I do miss the friendship of somebody who could instantly understand the weight of accumulated cultural reference whenever I uttered the remark "All I Wanted was a Pepsi..."

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