28 October 2014

Publicity Shots from Hell No.62

Having had New York, Barcelona and Birmingham thrown back in my face, this year's annual Disappointing Family (minus one, thanks to a school trip) Holiday is, as I write this, a truncated three nights and taking place in The Centre.
Ubnfortunately, due to Ms Monoid's weight-induced mobility issues, I'm having difficulty salvaging much enjoyment out of the experience.
All rather frustrating, and surely an indication that certain issues need to be addressed before serious medical problems occur.    
Anyway, that's far beyond the remit of this post, which is to acknowledge the previously noted reappraisal of "Silver Nemesis".
Not that it was very hard to do. I simply neglected to watch the VHS extended edit I had always watched, and stuck with the episodes as they were actually broadcast.
And what a difference!
Gone was the flabby, unamusing and somewhat embarrassing "Silver Nemesis", and in its place was the fast, funny and celebratory JN-T romp I should have been watching all these years.
But even after perusing various glossaries of jazz terms, I'm still unsure about "straight blowing"...

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