28 January 2015

Escape To Danger No.1

Right, here's a new thread for which I have high hopes. (Needless to say, that will guarantee its failure).
Back in the day when Doctor Who Weekly/Monthly/Magazine was the only game in town, eager young fans like myself were constantly exposed to the then-unattainable riches of the past. And as articles extolling the series' history became more commonplace, the photographs accompanying them soon became as familiar as the plots themselves.
As a result, the whiskerless young Monoid that was me developed deep-seated emotional attachments to certain ubiquitous photographs that cropped up almost every time a certain story was referenced.
And I still feel that way today.
Of course, these days I realise that DWM had an initially limited stock of BBC (and JN-T) approved photographs at their disposal, and nowadays we have a broad palette of alternative shots, rehearsal and publicity stills, set dressings and telesnaps to choose from.
But I still get a warm glow inside whenever I catch a glimpse of one of those dogeared old pictures from my youth.
So, that's what this thread is designed to celebrate, and I hope to offer visual samples of each story that resonate down the years. Perhaps I might consolidate these various stills into one uber-photograph that, for me, distills the very essence of the story in question.
We shall see.
Anyway, let's kick off with the first random entry, which just happens to be the first ever Proper Who release on BBC Video, way back in October 1983...

That's always a memorable shot. More exist from the same session, but you never saw them.

A very common one of Marter and Sladen, that used to crop up a lot in features about companions. And there were a lot of those, back in the day.

I always liked this one. Christopher Robbie on fine form, there.

Standard excellent Vogan portrait, recycled endlessly.
And finally, what I consider to be the hands-down iconic image of the story...

Cybermen down a hole. First VHS release... why the bloody hell not?

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