30 May 2015

Escape To Danger No.11

After having had a tooth extracted earlier in the week, I suppose I should have chosen "The Gunfighters" for this entry, but I have a reputation for writing controversial blogs, and I'm not going to stop now.
(Which is indeed a swipe at Messrs Cornell, Topping and Day, in case you were unsure. I do recommend everyone to read their forgotten volume "The Avengers Dossier", which will help you to rethink your definition of what constitutes a really, really bad book).
Meanwhile, there's something crab-like going on down at Shawcraft...

Of all the missing stories, I used to be most fascinated by "The Macra Terror". And I still am, to be honest. Which doesn't bother me, since it's a high water mark of Season Four. Which is saying a lot, I know.
Mind control, companions turning traitor, giant crabs and the new Doctor continuing his role as protector of humanity from nasty alien domination... what's not to like?

Peter Bloody Jeffrey and Gertan Klauber there, together at last. Also sadly lost to posterity is the performance from Terence Lodge, who is also very good value.
I remember being almost beside myself with joy when I purchased the audio cassettes of this story, narrated by Colin Baker. It was a particularly jaw-dropping experience when I first listened, which was particularly notable because at the time I was rekindling my love of the programme after a teenage sabbatical where I thought women were maybe more important than Doctor Who.

Thankfully I came to my senses, and realised quite quickly that Graham Leaman being menaced by a giant crab was way better than any heterosexual relationship could ever be.
And thus it remains.

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