09 May 2015

Publicity Shots from Hell No.72

A week of steadily worsening toothache and stockpiling of painkillers.

It sounds mean-spirited to connect this to the sudden unannounced appearance last weekend of a small fish tank here in Monoid HQ, but the shrill, piercing noise of (what I consider to be a cheap and malfunctioning) filtration system isn't doing my nerves any favours.
But even more disturbing than the prospect of impending dental work is the thought of Colin Baker attempting to emulate that infamous Katy Manning photo shoot...

While remaining fully clothed so as not to give any passing children nightmares is certainly a good thing, the Rehearsal Crocs do leave a lot to be desired.
Not that it bothers the Dalek, as we will recall when we resurrect an old joke and crack open our scan of the 1965 "Dalek World" book...

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