12 July 2015

Escape To Danger No.14

A subdued birthday this year, here in the Security Kitchen. A poorly in-law has caused Ms Monoid to return home for a few days, leaving me in loco parentis. Nothing to report until various test results come back, which is a situation I remember well.
So, what better way is there to spend your birthday evening than contemplating a story that never was?

It seems a long time since I last viewed the extant fragments of "Shada", and I'm getting perilously close to fond remembrance. I will continue to resist such temptation by recalling that Douglas Adams didn't think that much of it either, but that didn't stop him from pilfering chunks of it when he thought no one would notice...

Another one of Lalla Ward in a boat, there. I do have quite a soft spot for Romana II, her being my earliest remembered companion. And I am still delighted at the way Lalla can switch her character between stuck-up pain-in-the-arse and genuinely likeable without pulling funny faces, like Mary Tamm was prone to do.

It wasn't until recently that I realised just how big a presence Christopher Neame was on 1970s television. He'll always be Johnny Alucard to me, though...

Oh, I've mentioned this one before, haven't I? Look here to save me from going over all that again...

You often see this one with Denis Carey cropped out, but I'm leaving him in because I rather like him.

Back in the day, I used to think that was "The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey" that they were reading there. It obviously isn't, but it must be something fairly pretentious if Tom is showing an interest.
And to conclude this special edition here's Denis Carey again, this time with a football glued to his head.
Look, it was either this or "The Curse of Peladon". Some bloody birthday this has turned out to be...

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