18 October 2017

Publicity Shots From Hell No.116

One reason why I don't like discussing music very much is because I don't like playing the genre game. While I obviously dislike chipping away at the edges of bands and artists in order to get them to squeeze into preconceived genre holes, I'm mainly embarrassed to even begin to vocalise some of the accepted terminology that has been coined by journalists.
I mean, what the fuck was someone thinking when they decided to name a particular musical style as "math rock"?
I gave a quiet mental shrug, and got on with the business of listening to and enjoying personal favourites such as NoMeansNo, Shellac, June of '44, Circus Lupus and Sweep the Leg Johnny, and thought no more of it. 
(That's not quite true, though. I extrapolated a little, and smiled when I realised that for the previous decade I should have been terming Voivod, Anacrusis, and Mekong Delta as "Math Thrash". Hey, they had the required odd time signatures in spades, and all that...)
And then I thought I could do better than the journalists at making up names.
Anyone for "Spock Rock"?

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