05 November 2017

Escape To Danger 2.0 No.1

During the research for the sporadic 'Escape To Danger' thread, I have happily encountered (and often re-encountered) many favourite images that fall well outside the remit of that particular series.
While 'Escape To Danger' remains a personal celebration of shots from each serial that stuck in my mind most when I was naught but a lad growing up in the much misunderstood 1980s, I feel that a companion piece which highlights an alternative view might be worthy of consideration.
And so like many editors of DWM and Boxtree Books before me, I shall in this thread attempt to capture that heady "ooh-I've-not-seen-that-before!" thrill that a mere Doctor Who photograph can genuinely give.
So let's rewind back to the start to 'Escape To Danger', and see what alternative amusement we can find...
I can imagine why this one didn't make the grade at the time. Even with their new unfortunate allergy to gold, the Cyberman menace really should be met with more than a slightly puzzled look... 

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