20 November 2017

Stars On Pushbikes No.10 [Skateboard Special]

After the thrill of seeing Enoch Powell on a pogo stick (as witnessed here), it's about time we saw another politician of the period electioneering while having a go on another alternative form of transport...

Being a confirmed bachelor, Edward Heath had plenty of opportunity to indulge his various passions (most famously yachting and classical music), without bloody meddling women wasting his time and getting in his way. (And more power to him. However, "confirmed bachelor" nowadays is somewhat tiresomely translated as being either a closeted homosexual - at best - or a paedophile - at worst).
But never mind all that rubbish for now. Let us just note that Heath's passion for skateboarding, however, is rarely ever mentioned...
The sitcom reactions of the onlookers is admittedly priceless... 

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