27 January 2018

Escape To Danger 2.0 No.5

Thinking about the Wirrn as I was wrestling with the previous post, I was tempted to mention that despite the excellent design, I've always been secretly bothered about how they are actually meant to move around.
Not wanting to sound like a bit of a twat, I decided to let the matter drop. But it did remind me of another monster, and one that gets an unwarranted amount of grief from people who'll probably never get on my Christmas card list.
Yes, we're talking Krotons again...
I can't in all conscience grumble about the Wirrn's, erm... lower parts if I'm banging the drum in support of everyone's favourite tellurium-based lifeforms.
So let's compromise and settle on Troughton with a brolly as my favourite shot from Serial WW not all tied up with childhood memories.
Like Troughton's trousers, maybe the Krotons' skirts were taken in gradually over the course of the serial so as not to alarm them...?

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