12 May 2018

Publicity Shots From Hell No.123

By the mid-1980's, John Nathan-Turner's signature habit of pointing at random things for no apparent reason had been adopted by other members of Doctor Who's cast and crew as what one can only assume to be some kind of bizarre house style.
So here we witness the sublime Kevin McNally pointing at... well, the lovely Nicola Bryant's breasts, for presumably no other reason than that they are there and that it would maybe be rather nice one day to bury your face between those warm soft ample globes and go flubba-flubba-flubba-flubba.  

It was some years after this photograph was taken that the late JN-T had a hissy fit and took it upon himself to spit in Nicola's face.
As Ms. Bryant was the first Who companion that I was sexually aroused by, she got off lucky on that one. Some dark corners of my mind still contemplate the bodily fluids that I would...
Excuse me a moment while I find a box of tissues...

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