12 October 2013

"A Disused Yeti?"

Well, the rumours were largely true, and it still seems so much better than could have been hoped for.
Four of the five missing episodes of "The Web of Fear" and all five missing episodes of "The Enemy of the World", making that a grand total of seven complete Troughton stories in the archive.
It's quite something to see the once barren wasteland that was the Season Five archive holdings of my youth become increasingly populated. In fact, I'm still somewhat overwhelmed by the sheer size of the haul.
Watching the news reports rolling out after the midnight press embargo was lifted was an experience that I won't forget in a hurry, and I pre-ordered the inevitable DVD releases at an appropriately ridiculous early hour.
So, what with that and the almost immediate availability of the episodes on iTunes, why the hell are we still waiting to see "The Underwater Menace" Episode 2?
I'm sorry to keep going on about it, but I'm missing the days of rush-release onto VHS so badly...

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