10 July 2014

Publicity Shots from Hell No.59

Oh look, Season 24!

Something tells me that there may be a radical reappraisal of the Seventh Doctor due around here sometime soon.

The McCoy era had always been regarded in these parts as something of a coda to the main event, but reading the "About Time" volume covering those years a while back, I found myself eagerly awaiting their arrival in the viewing schedule.

Because over the years, I have slowly realised that all the things I instinctively balked at with McCoy have been shown to be merely the tip of an unwelcome fanwank iceberg since the launch of the Welsh programme.

So, here's to water under the bridge, and happier times and places.

And a totally unrelated picture of Colin Baker picking his nose.

After listening to various convention anecdotes regarding the shooting of this scene, I sincerely hope this was taken when his hands weren't covered in dog excrement...

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