09 September 2014

Together... At Last! No.2

Now that the Sylvester McCoy era is in the process of being rehabilitated and integrated back into polite society, it's only fair that something else should replace it in TV's "Used-To-Be-Brilliant-But-Went-On-Too-Long-For-Its-Own-Good" category.
Rather crowded territory, I admit. Most programmes achieve a position simply by being granted a second series.
Some, however, linger longer than most...

Looking at the original UK transmission dates and plot synopses for 'Allo 'Allo!, I can see that I was a regular viewer until the end of the fourth season. (By which time contemporary television viewing and myself had pretty much gone our separate ways).

While I do recall that the interminable plot twists involving paintings, sausages and escaped British airmen prevented me from returning at a later date, the loss of the delightful Francesca Gonshaw from the cast at the start of Season Four more than likely tipped the balance for me and my raging teenage hormones...
Anyway, as I am in the mood for surprise re-evaluations, I have eschewed my standard viewing patterns and have embarked on an 'Allo 'Allo! marathon, every season back to back in an attempt to prevent the plotlines from causing too much Confusion In My Mind.
And for the record, after a spell of zero alcohol consumption, I am proud to relate that no change whatsoever occured in my physical wellbeing or other circumstances, only that I managed to watch two below par mid-season episodes of Doomwatch without repeatedly falling asleep...

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