26 August 2014

Together... At Last! No.1

Right. I've been absent from these pages for so long that I'm almost embarrassed to return. And because of my continuing seasonal sabbatical, there's not going to be much to show for it.
Usual reasons; pressure of work greater than in previous years (presumably due to company expansion, as my role never seems to improve), seemingly interminable evening and weekend jobs involving paint and sheds, and a gradual spiral descent into alcoholism.
(Flippancy and melodrama aside, the latter is a nettle that is in need of grasping sooner rather than later. Things are starting to slip and are getting difficult to control).
As often happens when I take a break from Security Kitchen duties, I contemplate other stuff to add to the heady mix of rubbish usually found here, and then proceed to do nothing about them.
So, don't be expecting any new threads concerning cosplay, Leeds architecture, unlikely celebrity pairings or transvestites, because they'll probably never happen.
Oh, and let's not forget to mention Season Twenty-Four, which has been closely scrutinised and duly elevated to a position even higher in the Monoid pantheon than it previously held. (Weak puns about "Dragonfire" coming in from the cold will not be tolerated, so be warned).
And speaking of Iceworld, here's an oblique link to commemorate the release this week of "Thick As a Brick - Live In Iceland", with Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson (as he is known these days) menacing the rather lovely Madeline Smith with his one-legged, wild-eyed flute playing.
There, and no mention of John Shuttleworth and chest freezers. I must be slipping...

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