13 February 2015

Escape To Danger No.2

Well, I never intended this thread to be in VHS release order, but the next one out of the Randomiser is that 60-minute classic, "The Brain of Morbius". A story so good that Terrance Dicks took his name off it...

Having been an early VHS release, I rented this story from the local video shop so often that they scarcely had time to get it back on the shelf between times. Archetypally "gothic" in atmosphere and with an outstanding cast, I think this story did much to cement my love of the series once and for all.
Damn, I just love Philip Madoc, and I've always liked the dynamics of that shot. And this one isn't bad either. Some nice teeth acting, there...

Unfortunately, the Sisterhood of Karn never seemed to get much of a look in, and was usually represented by the following monochrome portrait...

But luckily I never managed to view the following one as being as unintentionally amusing as it might appear today...

And this one of Douglas Camfield was often used in articles on the late director...

But I think the shot that graces the original VHS release lodges most in my memory.

I'd better dig that VHS release schedule out for next time, unless the Randomiser starts behaving a bit more randomly...

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