01 March 2015

"I Would Like a Hat Like That!" No.26

In tribute to the late Leonard Nimoy, I was intending to focus on some very satisfactory gender-bending Star Trek cosplay.
However, that will have to wait until another day, as I have suddenly remembered something that I've been meaning to mention for some time... 
Readers who recall with affection the Luke Skywalker AM Headset Radio that was featured on these pages some time ago, may be interested in the Official Star Trek Space Fun Helmet.

Lacking as it does an AM radio feature, this was perhaps a slightly inferior helmet to its Kenner counterpart. However, Trekkies the length and breadth of the galaxy could delight in its Flashing Light Emitter with accompanying Pulsing Sonic Sound, as well as a solar visor, antenna and stick-on name labels.
In a perfect world, it would have been part of a survival kit in a Galileo Seven playset.
Space fun on a stick!

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