15 March 2015

Escape To Danger No.5

Today's entry is one that always causes slow sage-like nodding and low appreciative noises here in the Security Kitchen. Also, fond childhood memories of hurrying back from Junior School play rehearsals so as not to miss an episode of its appearance in the "Five Faces of Doctor Who" repeat season.
It's Serial WW, of course...

Yes, well worth running half way across town for. Even in this flabby middle-age I find myself in these days.

While it has been well-documented that the four-episode length remit of the repeat season made "The Krotons" somewhat of a shoo-in for the Troughton segment (being the only complete four-parter in the archives at the time, obviously), it's a happy coincidence that the story is so high-calibre.

One unlikely (and cruel) fan rumour that did the rounds many years ago was that the Krotons themselves were designed by the winner of a Blue Peter Design-a-Monster competition. Yet nobody passed comment on their congested Midlands accents...

In fact, on even the most cursory of examinations, Robert Holmes' debut Who script is much superior to his own favourite effort, the rather tiresome six-parter "The Space Pirates".

While Serial YY allows us the delightful experience of seeing Wendy Padbury in shorts (possibly PVC, I must check), "The Krotons" gives us... Space Headphones.

I really can't see why so many people have a dislike for this serial. It's got a great cast, is much more fun than the over-rated dull fanwankery of "The Mind Robber", is tighter and more stylish than "The Dominators" and seems like a totally different show when compared to the tortuous pace of "The Seeds of Death" and "The Space Pirates".

And try saying "High-Brains!" without smiling in sheer delight.

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