23 June 2015

Escape To Danger No.13

Season Fifteen of Proper Doctor Who is a bit of a funny beast.
After Mary Whitehouse sacked producer Philip Hinchcliffe, received wisdom has it that his replacement was given a remit of making the series less frightening.
So, starting your new season with a grim and claustrophobic period story where everyone dies seems like an odd choice indeed. (And remember that this was a replacement for a vampire story, which Robert Holmes would probably have had lots of nasty fun with. Which makes you think that Whitehouse got rid of the wrong man).
A fantastic Tom Baker portrait there. And thanks to the Target novelisations, also (for me) forever synesthetically connected to "Underworld". Cognitive dissonance crops up in the most unusual places...
Serial 4V was the first serial to be totally shot outside of London, and many have claimed that this accounts for Baker's moody performance, imagining him pining for Soho and his many watering holes.
And there's more than likely something in it. The fact that he rarely looks Louise Jameson in the eye throughout the story is perhaps more telling. (Which is a shame, since Leela's character has some of her last great moments here).
I really do have a serious soft spot for this story, and I'd probably venture to say that "Horror of Fang Rock" is amongst the ultimate, archetypal autumnal Seventies Who tales. It just seems so damn perfect for the onset of chilly nights, and snuggling down in a safe and happy home to sit out the winter months...

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