30 November 2015

Escape To Danger No.23

It's fast approaching the time of year when a seasonal Beaus is brought into the house, the accommodation of which necessitates a rearrangement of furniture. Alert readers will recall that as a result, this is also the time of year that Ms Monoid deems it necessary to share sofa space with me.
So, apologies in advance if December proves to be a spartan month here in the Security Kitchen. The creation of trivial nonsense such as this is generally not helped by a barrage of interruptions such as "What the hell are you doing?", "I thought you didn't write a blog anymore after I stopped reading it" and "What's so bloody fascinating about black and white TV and concrete buildings anyway?".
Anyway, with this being the first night for some considerable time that I haven't brought work home with me, I'm already playing catch-up and also hoping that I can rough out enough material in advance to keep some kind of  sporadic posting schedule throughout the unfortunately festive season.
So, in keeping with the rushed nature of today's post, let's keep it short and to the point and look at a story that is pretty damn unique in that only one image resonates down through the ages...
And there you have it. Dirty Patrick hiding behind an aircraft wheel. (Sadly not the same aircraft wheel that appeared in the studio recordings of "Time-Flight", that would have been just too bloody cool). But a pretty damn fine aircraft wheel, nevertheless.
As far as I know, only a mere smattering of other publicity shots from "The Faceless Ones" exist, one being an alternative angle of the above shot, where you can see Frazer Hines lurking behind another wheel. And another of "raw state" alien which is pretty bloody scary even when viewed today. No wonder it didn't see the light of day much back when Mary Whitehouse was saying some rather sensible things but for all the wrong reasons.
And it was many years before we realised that we had John Cura to thank for sole documentary evidence of That Hat...

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