26 March 2016

Escape To Danger No.29

It's holiday time again soon, and it's a similar thing to last year. Except worse.
This week though I have been laid low with a raging temperature when I suppose I should be concentrating on preparations.
So instead of that, here's a reminder of an aspect of last year's jaunt that almost made it worth the effort...
Yes, it's Jason King and the Reverand Fallowfield from "Blood On Satan's Claw". Logar be praised!
Of course, being able to point at Peter Davison must always be viewed as a career highlight.
Davison's penultimate story doesn't have a particularly high reputation, but as usual, there's plenty of fun to be had. Yes, it's another "shopping list" story (foreign location, write out Kamelion, write out and provide some backstory for Turlough, possibly write out the Master, and introduce a new companion) but Peter Grimwade manages to make something interesting out of it all. ("Time-Flight" was no flash in the pan, then).
It's pretty much Turlough's story, which I suppose was long overdue. Despite being an unusual example of JN-T eye candy, Mark Strickson did some damn good stuff with very little to work from. I suppose explaining the mysteries on his point of departure makes "Planet of Fire" a much more mature origin story than you usually get in the series, and more power to it.
And it is one of those companion departures that I consider to be genuinely moving.
Poor old Kamelion, however, doesn't fare so well. As far as dignified exits go, it's not one of the best. (Well, at least he made it to the screen in this one. His scenes in "The Awakening" ended on the cutting room floor).
I can't recall seeing this shot full-length before. I'm sure I would have remembered Kamelion's butt-shelf...
Serial 6Q is one of those rare occasions when Peter Davison doesn't have to prance around with a vegetable on his jacket. (He does get to wear a waistcoat made from carpet offcut on location, though). And it's not everyday you get to see him assemble a bong, either...
And least said about that, the better...
Of course, newcomer Nicola Bryant gets quite a lot of publicity, which is only right and proper. I've always considered her very easy on the eye and a welcome relief from the previous female incumbent.
According to both documentation and rumour, "Planet of Fire" really was intended to be the final appearance of Anthony Ainley as the Master.
If it was, it was maybe a bad move bringing him back for a cameo in the regeneration scene in the following story. Just made it all seem a bit of an anti-climax...
The Master's actually pretty good in this story, or Kamelion-Master if we're being accurate. The Master does spend most of the time in a box, the reveal of which makes for a wonderful cliffhanger at the end of Part Three.
Anyway, even though I will be returning to the general vicinity of Sarn, I will be further away than last time, so a return visit will not be on the cards. Which is a shame, as I really would like to stay in Hotel Timanov one day...

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