10 May 2016

Escape To Danger No.31

Jealousy in a relationship is always a bad thing. It can lurk like a hidden cancer and eat away at you slowly over the years.
Luckily I endeavour to keep things like that to an absolute minimum, but there is one thing that keeps gnawing away at me, often when I least expect it.
And it is this: Ms Monoid has been to Dungeness and I haven't.
I normally wouldn't mind, but she does have an incredibly annoying opposition to nuclear power, and absolutely no interest in Axonite in any shape or form.

And I don't see that viewing "The Claws of Axos" will help change her mind on either. Which is one reason why I've never made her watch it.
She simply doesn't deserve it.

Although it's reputation was always high, Serial GGG started getting a few knocks during the fan reappraisals of the 1990's. If memory serves, it did have a somewhat chequered production history, but that certainly doesn't excuse cussing it.

Common myth has it starting out as a Troughton story, rejigged as a possible seven-parter for Season Seven, before ultimately being produced as a four-parter for Season Eight accumulating a plethora of working titles along the way. (Wikipedia says different, but Wikipedia can be edited by idiots. Just saying).
Although it would have been lovely as a more sombre Season Seven entry, "The Claws of Axos" excels at being what many criticise it for. Namely, being the magnificent psychedelic romp that finally dragged Doctor Who kicking and screaming into the groovy 1970's.
And that's probably why many dislike it so. But that's bad brains talking, because "THe Claws of Axos" Is the point where what we call The Pertwee Era truly comes into being.
And it's also the last time that the so-called "UNIT Family" were all together in their regular roles on screen. This distinction usually goes to "The Time Monster", but this is obviously wrong, as fellow admirers of Corporal Bell will tell you.
Of course, the real star of the show is Pigbin Josh and his bicycle antics amid the freak weather conditions. Shots of him in action were never seen back in the day, so here are some more pretty Axons.

And we'd see more of these costumes later in Season Thirteen, when they were even bloody scarier in "The Seeds of Doom".

And if the prospect of Dungeness couldn't get any more exciting, I understand that parts of "Time Bandits" was also filmed there.
Another thing for Ms Monoid not to give a shit about...

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