30 April 2016

Publicity Shots From Hell No.91

Ahhh, here's an old favourite, rushed out a week late to make it look as if I've stuck to my self-imposed four-posts-a-month regime.

Yes, it's December 1974 and the nation is rocked by the debut on stage of (deep breath) "Doctor Who and the Daleks In the Seven Keys To Doomsday", where Trevor Martin has a crack at being the fourth Doctor Who. (Which would make this Season 11B by the logic of Paul Cornell and his Discontinuity Guide pals).
Terrance Dicks wrote it (of course), and Wendy Padbury came along for the ride as well, in one of those pick-someone-from-the-audience-to-be-companion scenarios that fooled absolutely nobody.
The chap with the green beard is probably Simon "Voice of the HHGTTG" Jones as the Master of Karn (no, not that Karn), and I think stilts were featured somewhere along the line.
But what I love about this shot is the tartan cloak worn by the hairy chap on the right.
It's exactly the same as the blanket that my parents hung at my single-glazed, ill-fitting bedroom window in winter to combat draughts when I was a very small Monoid, shivering in a house with no central heating.
Maybe they have double-glazing on Karn...

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