05 December 2017

Escape To Danger 2.0 No.2

Bearing in mind that Philip Madoc has a superlative tendency to act with his teeth, "The Brain of Morbius" is also blessed with an actress who acts with her eyes.
So step forward Gilly Brown, whose performance as Ohica is always a joy. Plaudits usually (and quite rightly) go to Cynthia Grenville for her Maren, but Gilly's fanatical eyes really make the Sisterhood of Karn for me.
Pardon me for cheating so early in the thread, but the above was a glaring omission from the original "Escape To Danger" entry that I am taking this opportunity to correct here. Mentally insert the above in the original entry, because I probably won't be arsed to do it for real anytime soon. 
And before we forget what we're here for, let's unveil the oooh-not-seen-that-before shot that I should be talking about. And it's admittedly nothing particularly outstanding, and I probably first encountered it sometime in the 1990s. But it's still a lovely moody shot of everyone's favourite sqallid brood of harpies...

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