13 December 2017

Escape To Danger 2.0 No.3

One of the most charming anecdotes in the whole of Proper Who is how Michael Craze met his future wife on the set of "The Tenth Planet".
Mainly told by Anneke Wills, the story goes that Craze was injured during the shooting of Serial DD when some of the fake snow that was blown about on set lodged in his eye. Production Assistant Edwina Verner may or may not have been in charge of chucking the stuff in front of the industrial fans, but when the snow settled (sorry), Craze and Werner soon became an item.
And the fact that they later married and named their son Ben is enough to melt the heart of the hardest Who-cynic.
So it was a toss-up between that shot above and the one below.
Somewhat less dignified, but hopefully worthy of consideration...

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