20 December 2017

Escape To Danger 2.0 No.4

Photographs that are often described as "rarely published" can sometimes be viewed that way for a reason. (Being flawed or badly composed, for example). The majority of them however seldom scratch the consciousness due to them being rather average.
"Planet of the Spiders" is a prime example of the latter. Lots of more than passable shots exist that I have seldom seen over the years, but not many that cause my little fanboy heart to leap in joy.
Or maybe that's just due to the overriding aura of ennui that Serial ZZZ seems to generate.
I thought that one was quite good, but it's hardly outstanding. Always nice to see Terence Lodge as stock bearded speccy bloke though, which he does so very well.
Now that one's quite genuinely exciting. Due to his bad back, Jon Pertwee often displayed a rather uncomfortable gait when running. In this shot he almost looks as if he isn't in chronic pain. (And Lis Sladen is doing a game job of pretending to keep up, bless her).
But wait! What sort of shot could really encapsulate all the thrills, excitement and adventure of Serial ZZZ?
Comedy hovercraft stunt antics, that's what...

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